Our Services

Therapy services are individually tailored to meet the unique needs of your child. After obtaining case history information and discussing your specific concerns, the appropriate assessment(s) will be administered, scored, and interpreted to determine the best plan of care. Recommendations and therapy goals will be reviewed with caregiver so that therapy services may be initiated.

*If your child has a current evaluation (completed within the 12 months), a copy may be provided to initiate the therapy process.

List of Services.

  • Screenings for children 5 years and under (when screening is appropriate).

  • Comprehensive evaluations to diagnose & treat:

    • articulation impairment

    • phonological impairment

    • expressive language impairment

    • receptive language impairment

    • language processing disorders

    • developmental delays

    • status of auditory skill hierarchy

  • Individual speech therapy (ST)

  • Aural (Re)Habilitation (AR)

  • Auditory Verbal Therapy (AVT)

  • Progress monitoring

  • Caregiver training/education/home program

  • Consultations

  • Collaboration

  • Teletherapy

  • In-service training for other professionals

*Have an additional need/concern you don’t see listed? Contact us today so that we can get you answers or refer to the appropriate provider.



What is the difference between speech and language? Speech typically refers to articulation or the intelligibility of a person’s spoken communication. Language refers to the skills required to comprehend and produce communication. This includes vocabulary, word order, and grammatical structures needed to effectively communicate. Services provided by an SLP are often referred to as “speech therapy” regardless of whether clinician is addressing speech or language skills.

What is a speech disorder? Speech disorders refers to a group of diagnoses that negatively impact the overall intelligibility of a person’s spoken communication. In children, we typically think of articulation impairments (errors with a single or few sounds with no distinct pattern), phonological impairment (errors are in distinct patterns and may affect whole systems of sounds), and motor speech impairments (affects the planning and execution from the brain to the articulators to correctly produce a target sound like dysarthria or childhood apraxia of speech). Speech disorders may also result from sensory impairment such a hearing loss, where a child does not produce sounds they do not hear.

What is a language disorder? The broad term language disorders refers to difficulties with comprehension of what is being said/read/heard and/or difficulty expressing ideas due to limited vocabulary, limited grammatical markers, inability to put multiple words together whether written or spoken. Language disorder encompasses a group of terms: language delay (typically noted in small children/toddlers when language does not develop at the expected rate), specific language impairment (isolated impairment with language skills with no known etiology like intellectual or neurologic involvement), and language-based learning disabilities (typically noted in school aged children who demonstrate difficulty with reading/spelling/writing and includes dyslexia).

When should I be concerned about by child’s communication development? American Speech-Lanuage-Hearing Association (ASHA) provides clear milestones by age here: https://www.asha.org/public/speech/development/chart/

If you are not sure if your child is meeting milestones, contact us so that a therapist can help you determine if an evaluation is warranted at this time.

What does therapy look like? PLAY. The simple answer is therapy looks like play. We know young brains learn best through play. Each session, your therapist has carefully selected a variety of developmentally appropriate toys to target specific goals for your child. Motivating toys and games will be used to elicit your child’s participation. At the end of each session, the therapist will discuss ways to carryover the goals in the home environment so that skills can be generalized across the child’s environments.


What do I do if my child has just been diagnosed with hearing loss? Hearing loss is one of the most common birth defects, affecting 3-4 in 1,000 newborns. More than 90% of children with hearing loss are born to two hearing parents. This is often an unexpected diagnosis that can be difficult to navigate. Contact us so we can assist you in setting up the appropriate interventions, answer questions regarding amplification options, provide parent education, and begin services to ensure optimal communication potential is reached.

Why does my infant with hearing loss need therapy? Communication begin at birth and hearing begins in utero during the second trimester. A baby born with hearing loss has already missed out on months of listening experience. Our listening experience is what prepares us to begin verbal communication (a typically hearing baby will listen for a whole year before first words are even expected). Early intervention to provide the appropriate amplification and therapy services with a therapist who is trained to work specifically with a child with hearing loss is an integral part of providing a family the framework needed for listening and spoken language to develop. For families who elect to pursue visual/signed communication, therapy services provide training needed to maximize communication through nonverbal means (facial expression/gesture/sign) so that language skills may develop as the same rate as hearing peers.